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I am an aspiring high school Chemistry (and hopefully Physics at some point) teacher with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and a minor in Physics. I'm now working on a graduate degree in  Education because I remember my highschool Chemistry and Physics teachers who got me interested in my subject field and made learning fun for me and many others. I know that my subject are is not just important, but can be fun as well, and I want to share my knowledge with the students of today and help them to enjoy these classes the same way that I did.

Making Science Interesting? That's Just... Well Actually It's Not That Ridiculous

Long title, right? Well fortunately, the answer to getting students interested and engaged isn't nearly as long. Science classes already have one advantage on their side: labs. Students generally enjoy this sort of hands-on activity and always look forward to it over normal class time, and that is exactly the puzzle -- making noirmal class time more engaging. Luckily, we live in the age of echnology, where the internet is a word everyone is familiar with, and there are demonstrations and visual aids to be found aplenty online!

Mount Saint Mary College

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